About Us
Real People. Real Life.
Who Are We?
Hello and welcome we are Brian and Jennifer LaBrada. We started homesteading in June of 2020. Right smack in the midst of the global pandemic. We thought this might last a while and maybe we should acquire some land and figure out how to grow our own food and be self-sustaining. We had a rough start…very rough. Farming is hard but man is it rewarding.
Little by little our neighbors saw what we were doing and started asking questions. We didn’t know much but we knew how we did things and they seemed to be working great. We were all too happy to share what we were doing, learning and growing.
So many friends, neighbors, and family started asking “how to’s” that we thought it might be easier to just make a small blog about our daily/weekly/monthly successes, failures and what products we’ve used to help us along the way.
Here we share our homesteading and family life, health tips and all things for the home farm and garden.